Proof Of Experience
Our company’s best-seller model for the past decade is upgraded to match the high end demands of the market. Y36 is the absolute cabin boat in its category.
With one fully closed cabin at the bow and the option for a second auxiliary cabin in the stern the Y36 can accommodate 4 people with ease. Top class materials are selected to shape the interior and exterior spaces of the boat and many convenience applications are applied on his deck. Closed windshield with wipers, sunbathing spaces, removable headrest, coffee machine and many more options to explore will give the most comfortable times at sea.
To serve our flexibility in design U-Shaped couch alternative for the stern was design for Y36. This layout alternative creates a perfect socialization area for those who seek to combine the ultimate comfort of a cabin boat and the perks of a day boat for a large group of people. About the cruising and performance of boat with all this options a mere example of its abilities stands the legendary Ribbing for Arctic trip. Started from Belgium with destination Alaska passing through Greenland and the Atlantic Ocean this boat, hosting 4 people as a crew, completed this trip with safety and success. High stability on cruising, exceptional behavior in harsh weather condition and secure and comfortable passenger sitting makes Y36 the best cabin boat for recreation in its category.